Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My first post ever!


Before I go diving in, I wanted to tell you a little bit about myself and what you'll expect from this blog.

My name is Tony and I am just an ordinary guy from Portland, Oregon. I have lived here all of my life except for a short 6 month stint in Sevilla, Spain. That's a whole other story... and by that I mean a whole other blog. Anyways I digress, I have lived here my entire life. You may think that is a little sad, but I love the Pacific Northwest. The people here are generally nicer and we have really mild seasons. You "Portland Haters" might think that it rains non-stop here, well this is what I have to say about that.

Gelato deals makes me happy!
1. You probably have never visited.
2. I really wouldn't call it rain... I would call it a mist.
3. It keeps everything green and lush all year long.
4. You're probably from California.
I think that people who get sun all the time take it for granted. You should see the smiles in this city when the weather is nice.

I also think that TV hasn't been very kind to this city lately. Is Portland weird? Yeah I guess we are a little, but not as much as everyone thinks. And there is a lot more to this city than the "Hipster inner-East side." Just because you see Voodoo Doughnuts on every freaking highlight the city gets does not mean that we are all like that. Oh and by the way, if you haven't been to Voodoo Doughnuts, I highly recommend it.

Wow what a perfect segue...

This blog isn't solely about doughnuts but its about food, and I mean food in general. Growing up in a household with a Ukrainian-born mother and Moldavian-born father introduced me to many different types of food. Not only that but the quantity of food I grew up eating is absolutely ridiculous. People that have had the privilege of eating at my family's house can vouch. But don't get it twisted! This isn't going to be some Man v. Food or Bizarre Foods kind of stuff. Listen, I can go on and on about my family and my upbringing, but I'll get to the point.

My blog is about my passion for food and where it takes me. For the most part I will be writing about Portland's food scene simply because this is where I live. You would think that for the amount of accolades this city has received, that it would have more bloggers or critics. Yes there are local magazines that write a few blurbs now an again, but sometimes they are commissioned to do so. I want to give you an honest opinion. A vast majority will be about good places to eat, but if the food or service is that bad that it makes me want to write about it, I wont hold back. If you find a few cameo posts about restaurants in other cities or just recipes, that just means that I was there visiting and/or experienced something that compelled me to write about it.

Regardless, this blog is about me and my interaction with food. Enjoy!



  1. What a great post! You are very funny and a good writer. I look forward to reading your posts!

  2. Hey! Don't knock us California folk! But good for you, bro! Can't wait to read more! Hugs!
